If you are looking for a VAG diagnostic tool and still have no idea before so many products, here is a compare list between VAS 5054A and VAG PRO 5.5.1 from eobdtool.co.uk engineers. It will advise you which one is better to choose.
VAS 5054A VS VAG PRO 5.5.1, get which one?
First, these two are both PC-based scanners for VAG Group vehicles, both can run on Windows7 or Windows XP.
Next, VAS 5054A OKI Chip and VAG PRO VCP 5.5.1 separate feature you should know:
- VAS 5054A OKI Chip 3.0.3 €88/$96
It is OEM;
With OKI chip;
Support UDS protocol;
Support Bluetooth connection;
Support diagnose VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda from 1996-2013 and Bentley and Lamborghini around year 2011.
- VAG PRO VCP 5.5.1 €45/$49
It is clone but tested work as the original;
Support CAN BUS+UDS+K-line;
Support diagnose VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda from 1990-2015;
Support VAG coding or programming (NO need engineer codes!);
Then, we discuss about the difference between VAS 5054A VS VAG PRO VCP 5.5.1
- vas 5054a francais is OEM, so it fully supports every VAG model, but it’s slow and you need online connection for being able to do a lot of things. Coding must be online. (Need get software from VW dealer for online coding function) And ODIS 3.0.3 is best for flashing. But kind of slow when diagnose.
- VAG PRO VCP 5.5.1 reads DTC fast, every feature is done offline, and work very well with Volkswagen Group MQB platform. It can do offline coding and programming as the original without need of engineer codes. VAG PRO is best for parameter and quick EEPROM read; It runs fast than VAS 5054A and more stable when directly connect to VAG ECU.
- VAS 5054A support update online, but VAG PRO 5.5.1 does not support.
So answer on the bottom to “Which VAG diagnostic tool to choose?” is VAG PRO 5.5.1 is better and cheaper than VAS 5054A, but 5054A is also not bad. Both are advised by engineers and worth to choose!